Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final part two


A) What i liked about this class is we had a chance to work on our classwork from other subjects also that we research every day something new about medical careers.How it has helped us set goal in our life to realize to choose the right and that we should not give up simply. What i do not like about this class the speech that are given.
B) Some suggestions to improve the class to have more time for typing tutor and thats pretty much it.
C) I did do my best in this class i have try my hardest to do everything to pass this class with a good grade
D) I do read my life planning goals everyday but just for a minute since i have other things to do.
E) I think i am committed on being a CTR person because i do what they ask me to do i always try my best to be a good student and a person outside of school and do whats right and benefits me and others.
F) What i promise to do is to be more attend on the things i do. 

Final Part One


Summary: In my interdisciplinary project the members in my group are Valerie,Modesto,Jordan,  and Randy our topic was on the right to die with dignity. It was hard and complicated because we had difficulties when it came to set up our powerpoint but we manage to fix it and get it done. We all had our main part in our presentation and my part was the local individuals i had to find out how it affects our community and explain the claim as well since i do not have a math class my group member valerie collected the data and set up a graph for me to explain.While being in the showcase we were all calm until it was out turn to present on front of parents. teachers and professionals.My opinion i think we started good and we end the showcase even better by all answering the question we would get ask with specific details and facts.It was a lot of hard work and research to do but at the end it paid off .

Student Success Statement


When I Do Good 
I Feel Good.
When I Do Bad ,
I Feel Bad.
Abraham Lincoln 
Reflection: What abraham lincoln is saying in his quote is that doing the right thing will make you feel good about yourself and it will also make others feel good. doing the wrong thing will make you feel bad about yourself and it will follow you everywhere you go.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Student Success Statement


"Take responsibility for your own body, 
mind,and spirit, for your own physical, mental, 
and spiritual well being." 
                     Mr. Haymore 

Reflection: From this quote that Mr. Haymore said is saying that our responsibility is ourself and we should rely on our self and take responsibility for our own actions. to respect yourself not just physically but also mentally.if we don`t take responsibility for our own no one will. As in respect your body don`t let no one touch you specially if is by force do not show things you'll regret, have your mind clear and don`t speak things that could hurt you or someone else,respect your spirit be free do not hold anything in. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn`t do."

Richard L. Evans 
Reflection: Richard`s quote is talking about having the courage to do whats right and continue to do it no matter what but if something is wrong and we know we should not do we should have the courage to stop before we harm someone if we could start something we better know how to finish and if we know something is wrong we should have the knowledge and the strength to know how to stop before facing the punishment. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 

"Always Do Right."

Mark Twain

Reflection: What Mark Twain say`s in his quote is so simple just simply always do the right thing be good, stay positive. Doing the right thing and being good leads you to so many opportunities in life it opens new doors and you feel good about yourself and you make others respect you , admire you, and be proud of the goo person you are if you always do good. you`re life and the life of other would be so much better if your good if we all are good.

Friday, December 5, 2014

when you tell one lie it leads to another (lyrics)

When You Tell One Lie It Leads To Another 
                                 Paul Hatch 

When you tell one lie, it leads to another                  So you lie and lie without even trying 

So you tell two lies to cover each other                        And each lie you tell will keep 

Then you tell three lies and, Oh Brother,                                  Multiplying

You`re in trouble up to your ears!                             `Till the whole wide world will know  

So you tell four lies to try to protect you                               You`re lying 

Then you tell five lies so folks won`t suspect                     Then you you`ill be 

                       You                                                                         Suspected 

Then you tell six lies and you'll collect                                       Detected

A life filled with worries and fears                                              Rejected 

`Cause you can1t remember how many lies                                 Neglected 

          You've told                                                                             Disliked 

And half the things you say aren't true                                And you should!

And sometimes you`ill slip up, You`ill trip up                 When you lie, You`re closing the door
                  And then                                                                 On everything good

Whatever will become of you?  

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 

" When You Tell One Lie, 

It Leads To Another"

 Paul Hatch 

Speak The Truth 

Reflection: It is right to always speak the truth no matter how hard and bad it is if you do not speak with the true and always lie it makes everything fake. saying the truth could be painful and harsh but is better to know reality and what`s the right and true meaning. saying a lie just leads to another lie and to cover up a lie you need a million more lies and the truth stays behind, but when the truth stands up and shows it will be more painful to know now because then the person you lie to has realize that it could not count on you no more. saying the truth could lead to good and greater things people will appreciate for always saying the truth no matter how hard the situation is. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
The 3 Questions
Lou Holtz 
    1. Can people trust me to do what's right? (yes)
    2. Am i committed to doing my very best?(yes)
    3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated? (sometimes)  
"If the answers to these questions are yes,
There is no way you can fail." 
Reflection: What Lou Holtz is saying in his 3 great questions is that theres no chance in failing if you are doing the right thing and answering yes to all three questions. If you are a good person then good persons would come to you and treat you respectfully and kind as you are treating them. if your giving your all in something you want to accomplish and you never stop giving up you will succeed. and people well trust you and will always keep your trust and be honest with you if you are trustworthy.  

Diagnostic Radiologist (online research)

                  Diagnostic Radiologist 

Duties and Responsibilities:   A diagnostic radiologist is a physician who performs and interprets diagnostic imaging test and interventional procedures or treatments that involve the use of x-rays, ultrasound,and magnetic resonance imaging equipment. Radiologist procedures are generally carry out for medical purposes. 

Salary: $532,436 per year 

Education: bachelor`s degree, medical program , have experience , study biology, chemistry, and physics. 

 Reflection: A diagnostic radiologist it a good career. It takes someone with passion to want to be a radiologist. It has a good salary . I would not like to be a diagnostic radiologist because i rather be a nurse or a vet in the medical field. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving break

Thanksgiving Break 

Thanksgiving break was just a week off enough to spend it with the family. My week was not as i expected but it did not turn out bad neither . during the week before thanksgiving day all i did was stay home take care of my brother and sister also my grandma since she is recovering from a surgery well i was taking care of them since my parents were working . The day of thanksgiving i woke up early to start helping my mom. I helped my mom make the dessert and she did the food. the dinner was just for my small family since no one else was able to make it .

Student Success Statement


Physical Fitness
 "Physical fitness is not only of the most important keys to a healthy body, is it the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activity of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks That intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." 
President John. F Kennedy 
Reflection: What president John , F kennedy is saying in his quote is that physical fitness does not just help to stay fit in within are body. physical fitness also helps us in our mind its exercise to our brain when we work out our brain tell our muscles how to move and makes our brain understand make our body feel better to function right so when we do physical fitness it just does not just help our body and health but it also helps our brain to be more intelligent.

Dermatologist (online research)


Duties and Responsibilities: A dermatologist duties are to refer patients to other specialist if needed, to provide dermatologic consultations to other health professionals. Also what dermatologists do is to recommend diagnose test based on patients histories and physical examination findings. basically a dermatologist is to diagnose to refer and treat patients. 

Salary: $307,726 

Education: 12 years of education and training  

Reflection: I think i would like to be a dermatologist because they get paid good and also because is a good career to work on even if it takes a few years to become a dermatologist.