Summary: In my interdisciplinary project the members in my group are Valerie,Modesto,Jordan, and Randy our topic was on the right to die with dignity. It was hard and complicated because we had difficulties when it came to set up our powerpoint but we manage to fix it and get it done. We all had our main part in our presentation and my part was the local individuals i had to find out how it affects our community and explain the claim as well since i do not have a math class my group member valerie collected the data and set up a graph for me to explain.While being in the showcase we were all calm until it was out turn to present on front of parents. teachers and professionals.My opinion i think we started good and we end the showcase even better by all answering the question we would get ask with specific details and facts.It was a lot of hard work and research to do but at the end it paid off .
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